Central Valley Education Town Hall results in $500,000 additional funding for Tulare County Education.
Poster for the Town Hall on Education features Art work by Local Artist Victor Cervantes. (Photo be Art Rodriguez)
On April 14, 2018 the Central Valley Empowerment Alliance hosted the Central Valley's first Town Hall on Education in the Tulare County City of Visalia Ca. Now Superintendent of Public Instruction was the keynote speaker.
State Superintendent Tony Thurmond addresses guest at Visalia Convention Center.
Community and educational leaders met with Tony Thurmond to discus the unique needs of children in the Central Valley.
Community and Labor Leaders take a photo next to Art work by Victor Cervantes.
Through the community partnerships developed by the Central Valley Empowerment Alliance, much need light has been shined on the educational needs of our essential farmworker’s children. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond personally called Mari Perez Ruiz (CVEA-Executive Director) and Arturo Rodriguez (CVEA-Communications/Program’s Director) to informed them he has added an additional $500,000.00 for Migrant Literacy to Tulare County’s budget.

On behalf of all the families benefiting from your actions and all of us who Volunteer and Work at the Central Valley Empowerment Alliance we thank all the folks at the State Office of Education and State Superintendent Tony Thurmond.